Call For Artists
You can create the future of public art in California! APPLY NOW for the California Natural Resources Agency and California Health and Human Services Public Art Program. Four commissions available – artists from all career levels and working in all mediums are encouraged to apply.
Tú puedes crear el future del arte público en California. APLICA AHORA para el California Natural Resources Agency y California Health and Human Services programa de arte público. Cuatro comisiones disponibles – se anima a los artistas de todos los niveles de carrera y trabajando en todos los medios a aplicar.
@calartscouncil @dysonwomack
Yosemite Western Artists 47th Annual Tri County Art Exhibition
You are cordially invited
to join us for the
Yosemite Western Artists
47th Annual
Tri-County Art Exhibition
OPENING RECEPTION~Thursday, May 9th, 2019 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: Madera County Art Council’s Circle Gallery424 N. Gateway Drive, Madera, CA 93637
The show will be on view from May 7th through June 28th, 2019. Admission is FREE! We are open to the public Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
You will be able to meet the artists and snack on hors d’ oeuvres all while viewing our newest art exhibitions!
The Tri-County show represents the very best work from artists residing in the counties of Madera, Fresno, and Mariposa.
Best of Show – $100. First Place in each category – $50 plus ribbon. Ribbons awarded for 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable Mention. Awards will be made at the Opening Reception
About Madera County Arts Council: Madera County Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit established in 1982 by California Arts Council and the Madera County Board of Supervisors. Our mission is to provide residents and visitors access to art and culture through diverse programs and services, promote art education, and support local artists and arts groups.
For Media Inquiries please contact MCAC at (559) 661-7005, Executive Director Rochelle Noblett at, or Publicity Director Shannon Grissom at
Kids Guitar Lessons!

Guitars Provided!
What: 10 Beginning Guitar Classes
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4-5 pm starting February 5th
Where: Madera County Arts Council’s Circle Gallery 424 N. Gateway Drive, Madera, CA 93637 (on Gateway between 2nd & 3rd St)
Cost: $10 per lesson or $85 if paid in full
Sign-up by emailing Dianna at or calling (559) 661-7005 during our business hours (Tuesdays though Fridays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.).
Join us for the Opening Reception of our newest exhibitions!

Madera County Arts Council invites you to our Opening Reception for our newest exhibitions:
“Abstracts & Patterns”, “Love Letters”, and Yosemite Western Artists’ “Extend”
Thursday, January 31st, 2019 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: Madera County Art Council’s Circle Gallery424 N. Gateway Drive, Madera, CA 93637
All exhibitions on view from January 31st through March 8th, 2019. Admission is FREE and open to the public Tuesdays though Fridays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Abstracts & Patterns: Artworks in styles that range from semi-abstract to non-objective abstraction and/or that feature patterns, both man-made or natural, prominently in their compositions. These artworks can be a great way to give home decor and offices a fresh new look!
Love Letters:Artworks that celebrate love and/or a person, place, or thing that is loved!
Yosemite Western Artists’ Extend: This exhibition prompts YWA artists to interpret the theme of “Extend”. We are proud to host artworks by our mountain area artists!
The Opening Reception will take place on Thursday, January 31st from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. This event is FREE and open to the public. You will be able to meet the artists and snack on hors d’ouevres all while viewing our newest art exhibitions! This exhibition will be on view from January 31st through March 8th, 2019. Entrance is FREE and open to the public Tuesdays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
About Madera County Arts Council:Madera County Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit established in 1982 by California Arts Council and the Madera County Board of Supervisors. Our mission is to provide residents and visitors access to art and culture through diverse programs and services, promote art education, and support local artists and arts groups.
For Media Inquiries please contact MCAC at (559) 661-7005, Executive Director Rochelle Noblett at, or Publicity Director Emily Redondo at
We will be closed for a few weeks…
Re-opening is unknown at this point. If you haven’t already, sign up to receive our email updates to find out when we will re-open and to learn about upcoming exhibitions, events, and classes!
Opening Reception Photos!
Thanks to all who attended!
Dia de los Muertos Celebration Photos
Thank you to all who attended, it was a spectacular evening!
Exhibition Installation Week!
This next week we will be installing our next round of exhibitions.
*Note: Our Gift Shop is still open!
See the posts below this one for more info on our upcoming Dia de Los Muertos Celebration and Opening Reception!
Teaching Artists Wanted!
We are in need of artists to teach 3rd & 4th graders as well as in the After School Program for 1st-8th grades around Madera! Interested? Contact Dianna at!