Valerie Greene


LOVE to paint!!  What more can I say?  I've been artistically inclined since early on in life and considering there are five generations of artists in my family, it's in the genes.  After my daughter moved out of our home in 2004, I finally had a place where I could leave the supplies and wet canvas out in plain sight other than the family room.  I have been painting enthusiastically since then. 

Painting en plein air is one of my favorite ways to paint, when I have the time.  Being able to capture the light and shadows as they appear on God's canvas is a challenge worth ensuing.   But just getting in the studio and laying medium down whether it is acrylic, oil or my new favorite, pastel, the sense of creating something on canvas is exciting and rewarding.  The subjects I paint are quite random.  A place I have been, a person's favorite pet or just the liking of a certain photograph I've taken.  It adds to the mystique as to what's coming next!

Beginning in 2007- Started entering local shows and joined the Alliance of California Artists where I was juried into my first show.  Have received various ribbons and awards since then.
Member of:
Signature Member of the Alliance of California Artists
Cayucos Art Association
Morro Bay Art Association
Clovis Art Guild
Porterville Art Association

Society of Western Artists
Member of the Tuesday Group of Plein Air Artists

Pastel Society of West Coast

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